Wednesday, November 09, 2005


theres not much to say that the core can not conquer.
unfurl your checkered tablecloths onto the lawn and bring out your picnics.
here is a place we have never been before.
a celestial promise cracks open like a breakfast egg.
dusk unknots its kimono belt and allows the stars to shine.
the sun is an ever-lasting orgasm in the mid-day sky.
maybe one day like in some coke commercial I’ll teach the world to sing.
this is a practice of how to stack cans in a pyramid without making them fall.
whatever comes next is better than what preceded it.
the green tea has cooled sufficiently enough to gulp.

Saturday, November 05, 2005


Find the fine line
mind and sign
and milk it **

the face on Mars looks a lot like Andy Warhol’s

best bet vs. worst case scenario + Hollywood adaptation of Joyce’s “Finnegan’s Wake” =

Quality Assurance tester
examines nanotubes beneath an electron microscope

(biologically active in updated versions 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3,
a glandular response in regards to stimuli introduced)

such curls and gnarls
such cuts and reductions
placed upon the level playing field

a dream of cubes vs. spheres
accepted and/or rejected by grace in the textbook

you who do not know anything
or you who has skipped over pages to find yourself here
or that has never stopped to contemplate the pixels that compose
the whole of the screen
i applaud you for placing your comfort above your quest for knowledge
knowing knowledge is a scam
and that he who has the biggest and best toys when he dies

line spacing has nothing to do with meaning yet thats why its art
dirt defines light
sqaure root seller militarizes fleas
i'm so fucking high without you

why not start off hungry?
why not be at least a little bit sad?
\\\\ default error comprising the parking lot grocery list,
wet cardboard sign face down on asphalt streets,
king of the laser beam,
let’s hear another blonde joke,
makes bees worth their weight in gold,
hurry, hurry,
I can have whatever I want whenever I want it,
the smell of the gorillas at the Oregon zoo

how does one become homeless?
ex-wife masturbates after watching a particularly steamy episode of Sex in the City,
white bishop takes black rook,
puts the frozen dinner in the microwave,
laughs at the endless columns spelling “chemtrails”,
balances a copy of Lewis Thomas’ “Lives of a Cell” on his head like William Tell

“who needs actions when you got words?”

oh let’s not get any more drunk than that,
west coast vs. east coast in a strip tease,
unfolds the map in fortunes lap,
please please me,
pregnant with twins reading magazines

CEO bitches out the vice president of operations in front of the stockholders again

you who take for granted the ink these words are printed with,
you who know nothing of how far it is from Stockholm to Berlin
everyone who thinks the third world is like some channel three,
I congratulate you for putting your blinders on
and not letting the war and famine of the rest of world
keep you from getting your pool cleaned

the best of all possible worlds